A downloadable game

Anytown, USA – a small town about to celebrate its 300th anniversary.  The Mayor has invited all of you to a planning committee to develop a special historical exhibit to be unveiled on the day of the anniversary celebration.  This exhibit will include several artifacts, several historical figures, and a slogan and theme for a statue to be created for the town square.  You will have different priorities and opinions – both individually and as groups, but your goal is to work together as much as possible.  A successful exhibit that can be supported by most of you will attract tourists and businesses to your town, but if there are significant disagreements, tourists and new businesses may go elsewhere and the media will mock you endlessly.

Note - I have provided two versions, because I'd really like feedback on whether a dice version or voting will be more effective.


Anytown-2024Dice.pdf 129 kB
Anytown-2024Voting.pdf 133 kB

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